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Competitor Analysis and SEO Benchmarking Services

We will provide a detailed blueprint of your competition’s strategies. Our team gathers valuable data, analyzes gaps, and prepares strategies to crush the competition. We will always keep you one step ahead.

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Competitor Analysis and SEO Benchmarking Giving You Competitive Advantage

Competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking serve as the foundation for building robust digital marketing plans. Our competitor analysts leverage the most sophisticated analytics and benchmarking tools to break down your competitor’s strategy precisely. It gives you a game plan to implement changes for success.

Keyword Gap Analysis

Keywords are the foundation of SEO strategy. Our keyword research experts thoroughly evaluate the competition to find the keywords they are ranking for and which your website isn’t. Keyword gap analysis helps us understand how feasible it is to rank high for specific keywords in a given timeframe.

We harness the information to identify relevant keywords to use in the campaign that can rank higher, have a lot of volume, and have comparatively less competition. Because if the competitor is ranking for a term, your business needs to be there, too.

Backlink Gap Analysis

Backlinks are a staple to establish authority on the internet and become a credible source of information and services. It sends a lot of search power to the website and increases your search engine rankings. Our SEO team evaluates your competitor’s backlinks. We will tell you where backlinks are coming from, what they link to, and other relevant information.

Techup Solutions performs a backlink gap analysis to build a customized link-building strategy based on what works for others in the industry. Moreover, it also gives you information on how to build links and who you should link your site.  

Content Analysis

Content is written to attract a wider audience, boost search engine ranking, establish online authority, and enhance user engagement with your brand. Our content gap analysis services identify topics competitors cover, but you don’t.

We will comb through the blogs, webpages, whitepapers, ebooks, videos, and social media accounts to analyze the topics and type of content they are producing. Techup Solution uses the data to improve landing pages and blog posts. The competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking service also identify improvements in the existing content that can enhance engagement.

Examine Site Structure and UX

User experience and site structure are some of the most critical elements Google evaluates when providing search engine rankings. We analyze the competitor’s website structure, how fast their pages are loading, other on-page SEO elements, and their overall website experience.

Our SEO competitor analysis team analyzes click depth, orphan pages, and page-rank distribution. We work with the aim of optimizing the sitemap for better crawling, optimizing page speed, and developing a responsive mobile website. We make sure you establish a hierarchy and a consistent design to ease navigation, menus, headers, and pages.

Identify Weaknesses and Opportunities

Every competitor has a weakness. Even the most popular brands have weaknesses. With Competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking services, Techup Solutions digs deep to identify weaknesses to exploit. It can be anything from a piece of content that is less thorough or short to a lost keyword that you can use to outperform your competition.

Providing better coverage for their weaknesses provides a chance to outrank your competition. Our extensive experience and effective tools not only help us develop weaknesses but also prepare strategies to tackle them successfully and perfect the areas of improvement.  

SEO Benchmarking and Competitor Analysts

How we Run Competitor Analysis and SEO Benchmarking?

We have been in the industry for years and have spent time streamlining our research process to deliver quick and effective results. From understanding your competitor to building pillars to lift your website, Techup Solutions takes a holistic approach to achieving business success.

Here’s a closer look at the steps we take to give you a competitive advantage.

Identify your Competitor
Gap Analysis and Data Gathering
Data Evaluation & Opportunities
Data-Driven SEO Strategy
Implement SEO Strategies

Identify your Competitor

The first step is to determine who your competitors are. Our team starts with a broad list and narrows it down to main search competitors that target the same keywords, address the same audience, and solve the same customer problems as your business.

Gap Analysis and Data Gathering

The next step is to perform a gap analysis for the content, keywords, backlinks, UX/UI, and more. In short, everything can have an impact on your website’s ranking. Our team deeply analyzes every aspect of your website and gathers crucial information and data that can benefit your digital marketing strategy.

Data Evaluation

The raw data is not enough to make your website shine; a lot of refining and evaluation has to be done to find the gaps and opportunities to grow your website. Our SEO specialists thoroughly analyze the data to identify competitor website gaps. It helps us find opportunities that can possibly make your website better.

Create Data-Driven SEO Strategy

Once we have compiled all the information, we work to create a complete data-driven SEO strategy. Our competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking team will develop techniques that will have the most impact on organic traffic, conversion rate, and search rankings.

Implement Changes

After comprehensive reporting, if you need help implementing strategies to outrank the competitors. Techup Solutions offers a full range of SEO services. Our experienced team develops the best course of action and employs tactics to make your website better.

SEO Competitor Analysis Strategies

How We Uncover Opportunities with Our Services?

Competitor Analysis Features

The Best SEO Competitor Analysis

Committed to Deliver Incredible Results

Competitor analysis and SEO Benchmarking are time-consuming and complicated tasks, but Techup Solutions performs comprehensive SEO analysis and changes so you can focus on other projects. We put your business first, develop strategies to get the job right the first time, and deliver results.

Risk Mitigation

We don’t just highlight what’s happening now. Our team identifies potential risks and opportunities and proactively addresses them. Our effective technique reduces business risks by 20% and provides 18% more opportunities to ensure your business remains resilient.

Driving Sales and Growth

Our competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking team is focused on building strategies to perform exceptionally in the search algorithm. Our insights and digital marketing strategies enhance your website and help your business drive sales and grow.

Customized Benchmarking

We tailor our benchmarking services to your unique business objectives. We compare your performance against industry standards and key competitors. The analysis helps you highlight the area of improvement and provide actionable insights for strategic decision-making.

Efficient Segmentation

With advanced competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking, we divide your customers into segments, allowing you to understand different segments and how your competitors target them. It helps you develop precise marketing strategies and improve customer targeting and engagement.

Effective Brand Positioning

We compare your brand’s strengths and weaknesses with those of your competitors. The comprehensive information helps you develop impactful marketing strategies. The refined brand positioning strategy results in a 32% increase in brand recognition and customer preference.

Better Customer Experience

Competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking services tell you about the holes and errors in your user experience. By fixing the errors and problems, you potentially enhance the customer experience. The effective strategies lead to a 28% improvement in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

SEO Benchmarking Pricing

Dominate the Market with Affordable Competitor Analysis and SEO Benchmarking Services

Competitor Analysis Plans
Starting at
$8,000 / site
How we determine pricing

Business Niche

Some niches are comparatively easy to conquer. Many ask for significant efforts to break the surface tension and rise above it.

Your Goals

What are your goals with the project? How do you want to see your business after the project completion?

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From cutting-edge strategies to creative designs,

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Komal Bothra
Owner of PkMobs
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo."
Komal Bothra
Owner of PkMobs
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo."
Komal Bothra
Owner of PkMobs
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo."
Komal Bothra
Owner of PkMobs
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo."
Komal Bothra
Owner of PkMobs


Frequently Asked Questions

The price of competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking services depends on several factors: your industry, the keywords, your goals, and business niche. We analyze each factor and provide the best price estimate that fits your goals.

We employ comprehensive SEO strategies to collect essential data to drive success for your business. Our gathered data and gap analysis give you the best chance to outperform competitors.

You can use the SEO competitor analysis data to:  

  • Save time when developing marketing strategies
  • Find digital marketing opportunities that are proven to work
  • Increase your business visibility and organic traffic
  • Eliminate strategies that aren’t working
  • Capitalize on opportunities for improvement and content gap

It takes a few weeks to complete an SEO competitor audit. But there are no fixed days or weeks; industry website, unique niche, target audience, keywords, and several other factors can influence the time it takes to complete a competitor analysis service.

Techup Solutions’ competitor analysis and SEO benchmarking services will give you a blueprint for successful marketing strategies. Gain competitive edge


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